You are enough for your dog.

I hear a lot of similar stories that all have a similar goal, but often with detrimental results.

One person may take their dog to the dog park so the dog can enjoy social interactions, but they end up having a bad experience instead. Another person may get their dog a “friend,” to resolve the first dog’s behavior problems that could range anywhere from having too much energy to full on separation anxiety.

There’s a lot that people do to try and force social interactions with their dog and it doesn’t often have a positive outcome.

So, let me tell you a little secret…

You are enough.

You are enough of a social companion for your dog. Your dog doesn’t need the dog park or even a “friend” to feel socially fulfilled. If you spend time with your dog, take them on walks, play, and adventure together, that’s all your dog needs.

You are enough.


You can’t out-train Old Age